Hi guys! If you’ve been following me or reading the blog for a while (THANK YOU), you’ve seen me post about dry skin. For years, this is what I believed. I had pretty much all of the symptoms of dry...
Hi guys! If you’ve been following me or reading the blog for a while (THANK YOU), you’ve seen me post about dry skin. For years, this is what I believed. I had pretty much all of the symptoms of dry...
Hello guys! And welcomeeee to our brand new site! If you’ve been wondering why the blog has been quiet, that’s why! We’ve been working on this site for quite a while in order to make your shopping experience a LOT...
Hello hello guys! How is everyone today? I am definitely glad to see the end of the week! We all need to rest sometimes. The next few weeks should be great because we have like 4 public holidays in Nigeria...
Hello everyone!! I hope everyone is good! Things have been busyyyy but it’s good! Much better than boredom, don’t you think? So summer is fast approaching and I’m sure many of us have grand plans for the summer. I really...
Hey guys!! I hope everyone has had a greattt week! I’ve been feeling super tired and run down this week so I’m definitely looking forward to getting some rest this weekend! So in my skin care routine post, I mentioned...
Hi guys!! So I’ve been on a quest for even better skin this year! I’ve always spent time and money on skincare but, hey, I’m getting married this year so you know the pictures need to be on point....
Hi guys!! I hope everyone is good! Sheet masks. At this point, we’ve probably all gone on Instagram and seen a blogger or celebrity on a plane with a sheet mask on. What are sheet masks? According to Orgaid, “sheet...
Hi guyssss! How are you all? How was your weekend? Again, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has ordered oils and pillowcases! I may not know some of you but I legit love you...
Hey guys!! How are you all?? I wanted to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who has bought one of my oils so far! I really appreciate it. If you haven’t, feel free to drop me an...
Hey guys, How are you all?? How’s your week going? So crazy how it’s March already! Why do I feel like 2018 is going to fly by? Black soap! I love this stuff. If you’ve never heard of it, you...