Hey guys!!
How are you all?? I hope you’ve had an amazing week. Do you have anything interesting planned for the weekend?? I’m probably just gonna be sleeping throughout the weekend – as usual. For those of you still dealing with exams, GOOD LUCK!! I wish you all the best. Work hard now so you can chill later!
I really can’t believe I’ve never done a post on this but being able to distinguish between shedding and breakage is so important. One is a normal process and the other is not so good. Shedding is normal and everyone experiences it. It is estimated that we shed about 100+ hairs per day. It’s just biology. Breakage is when our hair breaks off (duhh) as a result of being dry or otherwise damaged. This is what you want to avoid.
How do you tell the difference between shedding and breakage?
A picture I found on Pinterest that displays the clear difference!
In order to prevent breakage:
CAUTION: even though shedding is normal, you should still keep an eye on it. My hair tends to shed excessively when I’m really stressed or worried. You can combat excessive shedding by doing a tea rinse. I have an old post on tea rinses to prevent shedding here. Excessive shedding can also be a sign of a bigger problem. If you are concerned about significant shedding, you should make an appointment to see your doctor.
That’s it, guys!! Learning the distinction between the two is so so key to healthy hair care! Don’t ignore it!
Tara xXx
At Nature’s Locks, our goal is to promote healthy hair, beauty and lifestyle practices. We want to dispel all the myths that we’ve been told about what our hair can and cannot do. We aim to help you thrive on the inside and outside.